L’an 01, what is IT?
L’An 01 is a co-housing / housing cooperative project, that came to be in July 2014 in the city of Cazères (31). It currently houses 8 adult inhabitants, 2 children, as well as a group of supporting “enthousiasts”.

What is a co-house?
It’s a cooperative of inhabitants, in other words a shared living place, combining common and private spaces. It brings together people who share values and a common aspiration to cooperate, pool their resources, and master the design and management of their habitat.
To us, this is a political process: to live the strength of cooperation, to promote and live by values in our daily life, to control our living conditions, to participate in decision-making, to support and be a part of a community network.
What are our values?

We share the following values:
- The struggle for equality :
- Promote the development of individuals in their singularity. Learn about relationships of domination rooted in society, try not to reproduce them in l’An01. Fight in particular against gender stereotypes, sexist, homophobic, transphobic and racist remarks and attitudes.
- Popular education :
- Take the time to train each other, learn from contact with others, value and pool different types of experience and skills, value and promote critical thinking and the emancipation of individuals.
- Solidarity :
- Be aware of the interdependence of human beings, pool, share, help each other by adapting to the realities of each.
- Democracy and self-management :
- Ensure proper understanding and sharing of information, promote expression and listening to everyone’s point of view, involve everyone in decision-making and responsibility and ensure that it is the people who do who decide and vice versa. In our decision-making, we seek to foster consensus.
- To reduce areas of power, we defend non-specialization, in particular through rotating responsibilities so that everyone can develop diverse and varied skills through action.
- Ecology :
- Reduce our environmental footprint in order to distribute available resources sustainably and equitably and preserve the collective living environment.
- Thinking and Living Degrowth:
- Through sobriety and sharing, we limit our pollution, our carbon footprint and our impact on biodiversity.
- Through repair, self-construction and links with producers, we understand the impact of our consumption and our daily activities, thus allowing us to make better choices.
- This grouped housing project is intended to be a political act, in that it wants to be a living space that respects the environment, promotes cooperation and the pooling of resources, and in which all the occupants are involved. es in design and management. He opposes both the rental model and the individual ownership of housing, preferring self-managed collective ownership. This political dimension is also due to the desire to participate in the development of the movement of resident cooperatives, and of the associative fabric.
Building together a living space that resembles us is a way of bringing these values to life.
How do we work?

Formally, we are partners in a simplified, cooperative, open-ended joint-stock company. This legal form allows us to separate the right to vote from the capital provided and to easily welcome new people. We make our decisions at very regular general meetings, as much as possible through a consensus. For our day-to-day functioning, we rely on information sharing, mutual assistance and cooperation, and the pooling of resources and strengths.
What kind of activities can you find at l’An 01?
L’An01 is a housing before anything else: we are currently very busy renovating our future living spaces, which means lots of construction. At the same time, we are hosting community activities and hopefully cultural ones soon, too. On site there are also a collective of seed-to-loaf bakers and several non-till bio market gardener.
How to come visit us ?

Our address is : 48 avenue de St Julien, 31220 Cazères-sur-Garonne, France
The closest big city is Toulouse (45 min) and from there you can take a train (here you can find the time/price for it)
The best is to contact us before, some of us speaks English, a bit of German and a bit of Spanish
E-mail: an01@tila.im